From Research to Revelation: Embracing Spiritual Aspects of Dissertation Writing
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu
When viewed from a higher perspective, the dissertation journey becomes a north star that guides you to greater wisdom, appreciation for your subject, and the opportunity to persevere in the face of uncertainty. There will be twists and turns, disappointments, and revelations that strengthen you. Beyond research, there is also a place that will transform you from the inside out.
As Aristotle said, “Educating the minds without educating the heart is no education at all.” That quote, circa 384 -322 BCE, can help you transform your life in ways far beyond your comprehension.
Completing a dissertation requires work, sacrifice, and collaboration with your professors. Yet beyond those requirements, there is a deeper cut.
The dissertation process might be called “The Journey to the Center of You.” There are several paths for you to choose from: Get it Done, or let the dissertation guide you through what St. Teresa of Avila called the seven mansions. Each mansion represents a progression on your spiritual path toward deep inner knowing.
Here are seven tips to help you navigate the dissertation process:
1. Get organized. Keep a file folder near your desk. Collect data and comments from your committee, articles, etc.
2. Research your subject matter thoroughly. Ask questions, no matter how silly they might seem. Remember, you are there to succeed.
3. Connect with others who are looking for community.
4. Write down questions, brainstorm solutions, and reach out to your advisor.
5. Make self-care a must.
6. A dissertation is a marathon, not a sprint. Be mindful and pay attention to your health.
7. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
Another way to consider spiritual expansion during your dissertation is to refer to your body's seven energy points or chakras. Chakras govern different aspects of our lives and have specific locations, meanings, and colors. Just as St. Teresa envisioned the seven courtyards, each chakra supports our energy systems’ physical, emotional, mental, and psychological health.
The more curious you become, the better informed you will be about other traditions. Each may contribute to the clarity and ease that will assist your dissertation process.
Remember, too, that you’re not alone. The journey toward completing your dissertation will lead you to the finish line and beyond.